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Physiorix is a department of the Médirix centre dedicated entirely to rehabilitation, revalidation and reathletization. A dynamic team of healthcare professionals is available in a friendly, newly equipped setting. Our mission is to treat and rehabilitate you so that you can quickly find your personal equilibrium and physical well-being

L'équipe Physiorix


I have been practising osteopathy in Brussels and Paris since 1995. In 2012, I came to join the medical centre in Rixensart, which until now had been known as MEDIRIX and brings together a range of healthcare practitioners.

Osteopathy through its parietal, visceral and cranial manipulation aims to resolve problems in the joints and elsewhere. Manipulation should be understood in the broadest sense.

Osteopathy is also aimed at spinal issues as well as some migraines, sinusitus; intercostal and cervicobrachial neuralgia. In some cases, osteopathy can be used effectively with ENT, digestive, gynaecological, urinary, orthodontic issues as well as in stress management, anxiety management and in treating sleep issues.

We mustn't overlook an important niche, treating newborn babies and young children suffering from congenital torticollis, gastroesophageal reflux, strabismus and behavioural issues. This is not an exhaustive list.

Thanks to my many years of experience in treating patients, I have developed a concept that I have called "Proprioceptive Body Adjustment".  In addition to "classical" treatment, this consists of raising awareness in the patient of his/her poor postural habits, that may be related to stress or not, to then improve his/her posture through several recommended exercises to be carried out daily. It's a case of re-educating oneself in correct posture and appropriate movement, both in one’s professional and private life.


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General and sports physiotherapy.

Upper and lower limbs. 

Cardiac rehabilitation.



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